Show your support by purchasing something from our Amazon Wishlist
Did you know that you can donate to the animals in our care from the comfort of your own home? Simply log in to your Amazon account and choose an item from our Wishlist as a gift for the cats, dogs and small animals in our care…
Dog Toys
By purchasing a Nylabone or toy from our wishlist, you'll be helping us to alleviate stress and boredom for the dogs in our care.
Cat/Kitten Food
Cat/Kitten food is always in short supply, by purchasing this item, you'll be helping us to feed the 40+ cats and kittens in our care at any one time.
Gift Card
A gift card will allow us to purchase specfic items for our centre, fundraisers, events and more and start from just £10 and above.
Some of the items we need the most include kitten and cat food and Nylabones but if you can’t decide what to purchase, you can gift an Amazon Gift Card to our Centre starting from £10 and above. If you need any more information or would like to speak with a member of staff about purchasing an item from our Wishlist, please email
Thank you so much for your support!