We are rapidly approaching February, which means it’s nearly time for our annual Valentails Appeal running between 1st Feb and Valentine’s Day.
We at the RSPCA Halifax, Huddersfield and Bradford Branch don’t believe that the day of love should be limited to people, and are calling on you to help us share the affection with the animals in our care! In particular, we are asking local pupils and community groups to celebrate the day of love with us and the animals at our centre, by taking part in our Valentails Appeal.
There are a couple of fun ways to get involved which are not limited to school pupils – Brownies, Cubs, after school clubs, breakfast clubs etc. are all welcome to join in and show their support.
Children of any age are invited to write a Valentine’s card to any of the animals awaiting adoption in our centre – these can be posted to our Wade St address or collected by one of our team, to be opened on Valentine’s Day so that the heart-warming messages of love can be shared with the animals on the day.
Older children can also show support by using their artistic and persuasive writing skills to create a “lonely hearts ad” style shelter listing for the animals at the centre, which will be used to promote adoption on the website and social media pages.
All you need to do is head to our adoption page here and choose the animal you’d like to write to, and/or help persuade someone to adopt (we’d suggest waiting until the start of February for the most up to date listings!). You can click on the animal’s bio for more information to inspire you! Make sure they get sent off in plenty of time so that we can read them on Valentine’s day.
Many of the animals who come to us have been let down by the people who are supposed to love them, but with your support we can show them how loved they really are, whilst they wait for their forever homes.
Plus, keep an eye out as we will shortly be launching our exciting online appeal, where you can donate an amount of your choosing to be matched with a mystery Valentail, even receiving a special message from them on the 14th February!
Anyone wishing for their school/class/group to take part, please contact rachaelcooper@rspcahalifaxhuddersfieldbradford.org.uk for more details.